var img_d=[]; var autorotate=1; var timeChange=10000; var lasttimeout=false; var pic=14; img_d[1]=[]; img_d[1]["title"]="(1) 12th May 2013"; img_d[1]["d_author"]="Myself :-)"; img_d[1]["d_camera"]="Canon DIGITAL IXUS 75"; img_d[1]["d_place"]="My backyard"; img_d[1]["d_taken"]="2013-05-12 13:17:23"; img_d[1]["d_width"]="3072"; img_d[1]["d_height"]="2304"; img_d[1]["d_desc"]="In a very special day when I'm thinking about what I don't have and what I would like to give, I have found a very special friend who allowed me to change my point of view and take pictures just a few centimeters away from her."; img_d[2]=[]; img_d[2]["title"]="(2) 12th May 2013"; img_d[2]["d_author"]="Myself :-)"; img_d[2]["d_camera"]="Canon DIGITAL IXUS 75"; img_d[2]["d_place"]="My backyard"; img_d[2]["d_taken"]="2013-05-12 13:17:42"; img_d[2]["d_width"]="3072"; img_d[2]["d_height"]="2304"; img_d[2]["d_desc"]="She's working like nothing else is going on in the world. She doesn't know she is working on a weekend but she looks like she's enjoying herself.

A second picture just for today to begin this site. :-)"; img_d[3]=[]; img_d[3]["title"]="19th May 2013"; img_d[3]["d_author"]="Myself :-)"; img_d[3]["d_camera"]="Motorola Atrix MB860"; img_d[3]["d_place"]="Car inside"; img_d[3]["d_taken"]="2013-05-19 18:55:59"; img_d[3]["d_width"]="2592"; img_d[3]["d_height"]="1458"; img_d[3]["d_desc"]="My life is a chronometer in every way. I set my top speed and I need to know everything is between limits. Red lights should be predicted every time and is hard to deal with unpredictable things."; img_d[4]=[]; img_d[4]["title"]="26th May 2013"; img_d[4]["d_author"]="Myself :-)"; img_d[4]["d_camera"]="Canon DIGITAL IXUS 75"; img_d[4]["d_place"]="My neighbor's wall"; img_d[4]["d_taken"]="2013-05-26 13:17:49"; img_d[4]["d_width"]="3072"; img_d[4]["d_height"]="2304"; img_d[4]["d_desc"]="Looking this old hole in my neighbor's wall, I think about its history. I have a lot of memories about the times the hole was open. And yes, I was a kid and probably I dropped some things in there, unintentionally. :-)

Now the kid's game is patched and I can't stop finding shapes in it."; img_d[5]=[]; img_d[5]["title"]="2nd June 2013"; img_d[5]["d_author"]="Myself :-)"; img_d[5]["d_camera"]="Canon DIGITAL IXUS 75"; img_d[5]["d_place"]="Outside my house."; img_d[5]["d_taken"]="2013-06-02 15:30:58"; img_d[5]["d_width"]="3072"; img_d[5]["d_height"]="2304"; img_d[5]["d_desc"]="When the changes are coming, I think about them and evaluate what is good and what is bad. Usually I can find more bad things than good ones, but it's just because I'm used to the current world. Anyway, I'm sure we need changes; I have to change and my world will be as good or bad as I want it to be. If I want to keep the good things, I have to keep them alive."; img_d[6]=[]; img_d[6]["title"]="9th June 2013"; img_d[6]["d_author"]="Myself :-)"; img_d[6]["d_camera"]="Canon DIGITAL IXUS 75"; img_d[6]["d_place"]="Outside my house."; img_d[6]["d_taken"]="2013-06-09 12:05:46"; img_d[6]["d_width"]="3072"; img_d[6]["d_height"]="2304"; img_d[6]["d_desc"]="Grey, rainy and cold days like this one can be a problem for everything. I can't bring the sun back but I think there is a lot of things I can do to make these days be like normal ones. I don't want the days to set my limits. Not today."; img_d[7]=[]; img_d[7]["title"]="16th June 2013"; img_d[7]["d_author"]="Myself :-)"; img_d[7]["d_camera"]="Motorola Atrix MB860"; img_d[7]["d_place"]="On the road."; img_d[7]["d_taken"]="2013-06-12 07:53:02"; img_d[7]["d_width"]="2592"; img_d[7]["d_height"]="1458"; img_d[7]["d_desc"]="Going to work in the morning, when I look ahead and everything is blurry and foggy, I try to look back and the sun is there, rising, bringing me heat and telling me everything will be clear later."; img_d[8]=[]; img_d[8]["title"]="29th June 2013"; img_d[8]["d_author"]="Myself :-)"; img_d[8]["d_camera"]="Sony Xperia ZL C6502"; img_d[8]["d_place"]="Outside my house."; img_d[8]["d_taken"]="2013-06-29 15:31:02"; img_d[8]["d_width"]="3920"; img_d[8]["d_height"]="2204"; img_d[8]["d_desc"]="After a while and with new capture device, here are the new pictures. This is a good picture to test the detail. Flowers are always worth it. :-)"; img_d[9]=[]; img_d[9]["title"]="30th June 2013"; img_d[9]["d_author"]="Myself :-)"; img_d[9]["d_camera"]="Sony Xperia ZL C6502"; img_d[9]["d_place"]="Playa Ramírez, Montevideo"; img_d[9]["d_taken"]="2013-06-30 0:01:00"; img_d[9]["d_width"]="3920"; img_d[9]["d_height"]="2204"; img_d[9]["d_desc"]="Sometimes the lights are where you can't imagine but when you find them, you can follow the right path through them. Don't get distracted on water or sand and try to do the right things."; img_d[10]=[]; img_d[10]["title"]="30th June 2013"; img_d[10]["d_author"]="Myself :-)"; img_d[10]["d_camera"]="Sony Xperia ZL C6502"; img_d[10]["d_place"]="Playa Ramírez, Montevideo."; img_d[10]["d_taken"]="2013-06-30 09:11:52"; img_d[10]["d_width"]="3920"; img_d[10]["d_height"]="2204"; img_d[10]["d_desc"]="That day, that place, that person... everything was amazing... but nothing like the last thing."; img_d[11]=[]; img_d[11]["title"]="14th July 2013"; img_d[11]["d_author"]="Myself :-)"; img_d[11]["d_camera"]="Sony Xperia ZL C6502"; img_d[11]["d_place"]="Outside my house."; img_d[11]["d_taken"]="2013-07-14 09:11:52"; img_d[11]["d_width"]="3920"; img_d[11]["d_height"]="2940"; img_d[11]["d_desc"]="All the times I see them, I wonder why they're there, what are they thinking and if they're a family. I don't have great feelings for them because they attack my car at first chance but is funny to see them. :-)"; img_d[12]=[]; img_d[12]["title"]="14th July 2013"; img_d[12]["d_author"]="Myself :-)"; img_d[12]["d_camera"]="Sony Xperia ZL C6502"; img_d[12]["d_place"]="At my house."; img_d[12]["d_taken"]="2013-07-14 11:12:21"; img_d[12]["d_width"]="3920"; img_d[12]["d_height"]="2940"; img_d[12]["d_desc"]="This make me feel like a good example of people from my country. I love this and the only thing I need is to find an excuse to turn on the fire and cook some meat. The excuse for today is the Father's Day. :-)"; img_d[13]=[]; img_d[13]["title"]="7th November 2013"; img_d[13]["d_author"]="Yo :-)"; img_d[13]["d_camera"]="Sony Xperia ZL C6502"; img_d[13]["d_place"]="Colonia del Sacramento"; img_d[13]["d_taken"]="2013-07-14 11:12:21"; img_d[13]["d_width"]="3920"; img_d[13]["d_height"]="2940"; img_d[13]["d_desc"]="La ventana cerrada igualmente deja entrar la luz. Me gusta la imagen tal cual está pero pienso si esa es la posición correcta de la ventana."; img_d[14]=[]; img_d[14]["title"]="22nd November 2013"; img_d[14]["d_author"]="Yo :-)"; img_d[14]["d_camera"]="Sony Xperia ZL C6502"; img_d[14]["d_place"]="Montevideo"; img_d[14]["d_taken"]="2013-11-21 17:57:21"; img_d[14]["d_width"]="4128"; img_d[14]["d_height"]="3096"; img_d[14]["d_desc"]="La perfección puede ser vista desde distintos puntos de vista pero no tiene por qué estar basada en la homogeneidad."; function changeMe(x) { document.getElementById('me1').style.opacity=x; document.getElementById('me2').style.opacity=!x; } function pictureOver(x) { window.clearTimeout(lasttimeout); } function pictureOut(x) { lasttimeout=window.setTimeout("nextPic()",timeChange); } function setPosition(name,x,y) { var elem=document.getElementById(name);"px";"px"; } function changeOpacity(name,begin,end,step,interval) { document.getElementById(name).style.opacity=end; } function nextPic() { changeOpacity("pic"+pic,1,0,-0.01,10); pic=pic-1; if(pic>14) pic=1; if(pic<1) pic=14; setPic(); } function changeNPicture(x) { window.clearTimeout(lasttimeout); changeOpacity("pic"+pic,1,0,-0.01,10); pic=x; if(pic>14) pic=1; if(pic<1) pic=14; setPic(); } function setPic() { changeOpacity("pic"+pic,0,1,0.01,10); for(var rec=1;rec<=14;rec++) document.getElementById("li_img_"+rec).className=""; document.getElementById("li_img_"+pic).className="selected"; document.getElementById('d_author').innerHTML=img_d[pic]["d_author"]; document.getElementById('d_camera').innerHTML=img_d[pic]["d_camera"]; document.getElementById('d_taken').innerHTML=img_d[pic]["d_taken"]; document.getElementById('d_place').innerHTML=img_d[pic]["d_place"]; document.getElementById('d_width').innerHTML=img_d[pic]["d_width"]+" x "+img_d[pic]["d_height"]; document.getElementById('d_desc').innerHTML=img_d[pic]["d_desc"]; document.getElementById('imgdesc').innerHTML=img_d[pic]["d_desc"]; lasttimeout=window.setTimeout("nextPic()",timeChange); }